pinky and the brain


a kurdish author threatened by islamists

mariwan halabjayi, a kurdish author, has been widely criticized by kurdish islamic scholars for his book "sex, women and shariah in the history of islam", concerned with how islam is used to oppress women. as a result, the islamic league of kurdistan has issued a fatwa to kill halabjayi if he does not repent and apologize for writing the book. it comes as no surprise that this same organization has issued a fatwa to kill the danish cartoonists.

halabjayi is in hiding with his pregnant wife and his 3 children.

a petition for his and his family's unconditional protection can be signed here


At 11:40 PM, Blogger Charles Chapman said...

FWIW, I've blogged extensively about this:
Call for Internet Publication of Sex, Sharia and Women in the History of Islam.

The Salman Rushdie of Iraqi-Kurdistan.

At 12:35 PM, Blogger pinky and the brain said...

wow, well done! a friend sent me an email with the link and this info on halbjayi. i just find it amazing what's happened to him. my understanding its that unfortunately this hasn't gotten too much coverage.

At 1:22 AM, Blogger Charles Chapman said...

The book Sex, Sharia and Women in the History of Islam by Mariwan Halabjaee (sp. Marywan / Halabjay, Halabjayee, Halabjaye, Halabjayi), "the Salman Rushdie of Iraqi-Kurdistan," has been published on the Internet.

Book: Sex, Sharia and Women in the History of Islam

Story: Sex, Sharia and Women in the History of Islam published on the Internet


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