pinky and the brain


get ready to die

αν ξεσπάσει το bird flu pandemic θα πεθάνει περίπου το 20% του παγκόσμιου πληθυσμού. αυτή τη στιγμή δεν υπάρχει σίγουρο εμβόλιο και είναι αμφίβολο αν θα υπάρξει καθώς ο ιός μεταλλάσσεται και έτσι είναι ένα βήμα μπροστά από την επιστήμη.
'There's a very short time period -- two to four weeks between the onset of the first case -- in which containment is possible,' said Hitoshi Oshitani, the WHO's expert on communicable diseases.

'After four or five weeks ... it would have spread to too many places and then it will be probably impossible to contain,'

according to reuters (sept. 21): "Indonesia called an outbreak of bird flu in its teeming capital an epidemic on Wednesday as health and agricultural experts from around the world converged on Jakarta to help control the virus"

στην ιρλανδία κάνανε "test" για το πως θα αντιδράσουν και θανατώσαν 10.000 ηλικιωμένες κότες. τέτοια test έχουν γίνει και στον καναδά. στην ελλάδα αναρωτιέμαι τι μέτρα έχει πάρει το υπουργείο υγείας ή τι σχέδια έχει για αυτό το θέμα. στα ψιλά περνάει το θέμα στην ελλάδα. ούτε καν ο αγαπητός κυραλέκος δεν το έχει κάνει θέμα. φαίνεται πως η ολυμπιακή πουλάει καλύτερα. αμα όμως πεθάνουμε όλοι να δω ποιος θα ψηφίσει αυτούς τους γελοίους


At 1:09 PM, Blogger J95 said...

Υπέροχα, όλα τα 'χαμε, το μόνο που μας έλειπε ήταν πανδημία γρίπης...

At 7:07 PM, Blogger pinky and the brain said...

here's more

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Ανδρέας said...

Well done! ;-)

At 2:51 PM, Blogger pinky and the brain said...

thx σπασικλας, i'm back on track to conquer the world :)

At 6:42 PM, Blogger Roark said...

Στην Ελλάδα σημασία δεν έχει αν θα πεθάνουμε. Σημασία έχει ποιός θα κάθεται στην καρέκλα όταν πεθαίνουμε!

At 6:05 PM, Blogger Phantasmak said...


It's not surprising that both the bird flu and the SARS viruses have come from China & Hong Kong.

I like the fact that those people have come to work and study in the west and have formed an element to comprise a environment with people from all over the world, but the problem with them is that they're untidy and dirty as fuck and they don't mix with other nationalities. My housemates have been in London for three years already, without having visited home in the meantime, and they haven't learnt to construct a simple sentence in English yet. If I want to tell them something I ask the Chinese girl to interpret, she speaks English a little bit better.

I take it you've lived in Greece long enough to know that the governments don't care about a problem unless it is too late. You know damn well that as long as our mothers, sisters and spouses are not affected, we could let all other women die from the use of "zombie cosmetics" for all we care!

And while it's good to be politically correct, certain social groups here in the west have been established as protected classes. I think we have to point out all those things which make us resent before it becomes illegal "hate speech"! If, or better, when this happens, oute psilos ston korfo mas... The last thing I want is to engage in a poitless conversation for the sake of "political correctness" if I dare mention to someone that "those fucking Chinese are dirty as fuck".

I'll switch to Greek when I get back to my home computer.

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Μου αρέσει το διάβασμα και έχω συλλάβει αυτή την ιστοσελίδα πήρε κάποια πραγματικά χρήσιμα πράγματα σε αυτό!


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